18 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Governor Pence Issues Statement on House Budget

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Indianapolis, IN - Governor Pence expressed disappointment with the budget proposed by the Indiana House of Representatives, which increases spending but offers no new tax relief for Hoosiers. He resolved to protect taxpayers in continuing budget negotiations.  
"I am very disappointed in the House budget proposal. Despite having the largest budget surplus in history, this House budget increases spending without giving hardworking Hoosiers one cent of new tax relief. As our administration's budget clearly showed, we can afford to do both. Indiana can fund our priorities including increases for roads and schools and reduce the personal income tax. Since we can reduce taxes on every Hoosier, we should.  

"By leaving income tax relief out this early in the process, this House budget proposal does not contain the kind of balanced approach that will create jobs and opportunities for Hoosiers. With so many hurting in this economy, Hoosiers deserve better. Indiana recently cut taxes for businesses and estates. It's time for average Hoosiers to get a break. 

"And income tax relief will create jobs. By allowing small businesses to keep more of what they make, we will make Indiana more attractive for investment. Our state is in a race for jobs with states across the country, many of which are reducing and reforming income taxes. Not only can we in Indiana afford to offer tax relief, we can't afford not to. If we stand still, Indiana will lose. 

"It is still early in the legislative session. House leaders have committed to me that an income tax cut for middle class Hoosier families is still possible in this session. I take them at their word, and Hoosiers have my word. I will continue to fight to pass a balanced budget that meets our needs, funds our roads and schools, strengthens our reserves and lets hardworking Hoosiers keep more of what they earn," said Pence.
Contact Information:
Name: Kara Brooks
Phone: 317-232-1622
Email: kbrooks@gov.in.gov


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