From the Columbus Republic:
All Columbus city employees, including elected officials, will receive a 3-percent cost of living raise in 2013.
The Columbus City Council approved the raises a second and final time during Tuesday’s meeting, and also gave preliminary approval of a 2013 budget that reflects nearly a $2.4 million drop in expenditures.
Mayor Kristen Brown said she was voting for the increase in the mayor’s salary only so other department head positions wouldn’t be capped in the future by what the mayor makes. She also said she would donate the increase to the city’s General Fund.
Councilman Aaron Hankins again voted against the salary increases, and also against the 2013 budget, saying that City Council members were just part-time employees and shouldn’t be eligible for cost-of-living raises. He also said the city shouldn’t be using the maximum tax levy and said the salaries of some department heads are too high.
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