20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Lawsuit Delays TIF Approval in Indianapolis

From the Indianapolis Business Journal:

Facing a lawsuit from a city activist, the Indianapolis City-County Council put off voting Monday night on a long-delayed proposal to expand a downtown tax-increment financing district.

The council voted 20-8 to send the proposal back to the Metropolitan and Economic Development Committee, where it will have a hearing Sept. 24 with the expectation that it will be back before the full council Oct. 1.

The proposal would pave the way for redevelopment of the Massachusetts Avenue fire station and support other projects, including a West 16th Street technology corridor and new development on the northwest side of downtown.

In a lawsuit filed in Marion Superior Court Monday, environmental activist Clarke Kahlo alleges that the committee failed to follow proper procedure when it voted on the proposal last month. He argues the proposal had been tabled for longer than six months and, under municipal code, should have been taken off the list of pending proposals.

He also wants the court to declare some committee members' action to revive the proposal invalid.


See the full article here:


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